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Legal Oversight Picture


The General Counsel provides critical legal advice and counsel to the Inspector General. The legal team consists of four experienced Assistant Legal Counsels who provide legal advice and support to both Auditors and Investigators.

OIG Attorneys work closely with the Investigations Unit to assess the strengths and weaknesses of any investigation with potential civil, administrative, or criminal implications. They further assist by partnering with law enforcement and the State Attorney’s Office, and coordinating efforts with outside agencies’ counsel. The Legal Team supports the Audit Unit by reviewing contracts and assessing contractual rights and liabilities.

The Legal Team reviews proposed ordinances and resolutions, providing the Inspector General with independent legal assessments of the potential impact of such legislation. They handle all public records requests and do extensive training with all new employees. They review all subpoenas to be issued by the Inspector General and are charged with the compliance of the OIG’s “advance notice” responsibilities in the areas of subpoena issuance and draft report distribution. All final public reports are reviewed by the Legal Team for legal sufficiency and work product integrity. OIG Attorneys will also represent the Office in any legal proceedings.

Also reporting to the General Counsel are the OIG's Contract Oversight Specialists. The Contract Oversight Specialists have professional expertise in governmental budgets, finance, and engineering. Contract oversight includes proactive monitoring of procurement processes and assessment of contract performance that may include random inspections during the term of the contract. The Contract Oversight Specialists provide real time review of County contracts from the beginning of the selection phase and throughout the life of the contract. This monitoring allows the OIG to work with County government to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse before it occurs.

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      24-hour Fraud Hotline:  (305) 579-2593 (se habla español) OIG Phone: (305) 375-1946, Fax: (305) 579-2656